Databusting Bristol with James Pembroke and Richard Selfridge

Bridge Learning Campus, Teyfant Road, Hartcliffe, Bristol, BS13 0RF
November 19th, 2021 8:45 am
8.45 - 15.30

A day aimed at primary school senior leaders and assessment leads to help navigate the fog of assessment and rationalise your data life.

Assessment in schools is often directed from the top down with a heavy focus on accountability, but how about we turn that on its head? With Ofsted’s recent change in direction, schools have license to do just that: build an approach from the classroom upwards, that works for both teachers and pupils and restores faith in assessment.

The day will:

  • Review and update your approach to assessment, making data work effectively in the light of the revised Education Inspection Framework
  • Clarify what you need to know about data, what you have to do (and what you do not need to do), and what you should do to assess and monitor progress and attainment whilst minimising workload and maximising impact in your school
  • Cover key aspects of primary data including: statutory assessment present and future, progress measures, confidence intervals, target setting, standardised tests, IDSR, ASP, and tracking systems.

Ticket includes refreshments and lunch.

Insight Provision Mapping developments

October 18th, 2021 4:30 pm

A look at the development of Insight’s new provision mapping system and an opportunity to ask questions and give feedback.

Suitable for all primary teachers and senior leaders but particularly aimed at SENDCOs.

Introduction to provision mapping in Insight

The Pavilion, Hatherley Lane, Cheltenham, GL51 6PN
October 11th, 2021 1:00 pm
2 hours

A free 2 hour session looking at developments of the new provision mapping system with an opportunity to ask questions about any aspect of the Insight.

Introduction to provision mapping in Insight

The Pavilion, Hatherley Lane, Cheltenham, GL51 6PN
October 11th, 2021 10:00 am
2 hours

A free 2 hour session looking at developments of the new provision mapping system with an opportunity to ask questions about any aspect of the Insight.

Building Parent Reports in Insight

April 29th, 2021 4:00 pm
1 hour + Q&A

Insight features an intuitive Parent Reports tool that uses Word templates for maximum flexibility. You can even have different templates for different year groups and key stages.

In this free one hour webinar you will learn how to build custom templates to your own design that will automatically populate with all the information you need including teacher’s comments, assessment data, and other important pupil records.

Audience: Teachers and senior leaders using Insight

Making the most of Insight: a guide for SENDCOs

February 10th, 2021 4:00 pm
1 hour + Q&A

Insight is a simple yet highly customisable system that provides a number of useful tools for SENDCOs. In this session you’ll find out how to set up bespoke groups, enter SEND-specific data, create sets of objectives for your interventions, use filters to identify pupils with particular characteristics, and run key reports to pinpoint issues. We will focus on using Insight’s Tables report tool to pull all key data – both characteristics and assessments – into one place to track progress over time, and will show examples of how a table can calculate the change in, for example, reading age during a period of support. We will also demonstrate how such data can be summarised for the purposes of monitoring the effectiveness of SEND provision.

Audience: primary SENDCOs, senior leaders, and assessment leads.

Please note: registration is not a guarantee of entry to the webinar. Entry is limited to 100 places and will be on a first come first served basis. The session will be recorded and broadcast after the event.

An Introduction to Insight

December 3rd, 2020 4:00 pm
1 hour + Q&A

Insight is a highly intuitive and extremely customisable tracking system for primary schools. It’s easy (and nice!) to use, quick to set up, and is capable of storing pretty much any data in any format. It’s also backed up by a super friendly support team. This webinar will take you on a tour of the system, exploring the main features including admin, data entry, and reports (including our famous, interactive progress matrices and venn diagrams)

Audience: Primary senior leaders and assessment leads.

Update on Statutory Assessment and Accountability for Primary Schools

November 24th, 2020 4:00 pm

A 1 hour session aimed at primary leaders discussing planned changes to statutory assessment and the knock-on effects of the pause this year. Will cover the reception baseline, EYFSP (and non-statutory development matters), phonics, KS1, KS2 and the engagement model.

Download the slides from this webinar.

The Problem With Progress

November 23rd, 2020 4:00 pm

The Problem with Progress, A guide for Governors.

Download the slides from this webinar.

The Problem With Progress (and where “tracking” went wrong)

November 11th, 2020 4:00 pm
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