The #TwitteratiChallenge

Many thanks to Mary Myatt (@MaryMyatt) for nominating me for the #TwitteratiChallenge. I feel most honoured. I hope i’m completing this within the required time frame; it’s taken me a while to sort out a list in my head.
The #TwitteratiChallenge started by by Ross McGill of the @TeacherToolkit fame with the following aim:
“In the spirit of social-media-educator friendships, this summer it is time to recognise your most supportive colleagues in a simple blogpost shout-out. Whatever your reason, these 5 educators should be your 5 go-to people in times of challenge and critique, or for verification and support”
There are only 3 rules.
1. You cannot knowingly include someone you work with in real life.
2. You cannot list somebody that has already been named if you are already made aware of them being listed on #TwitteratiChallenge.
3. You will need to copy and paste the title of this blogpost and (the rules and what to do) information into your own blog post.
What to do?
This what to do:
1. Within 7 days of being nominated by somebody else, you need to identify colleagues that you rely regularly go-to for support and challenge. They have now been challenged and must act and must act as participants of the #TwitteratiChallenge.
2. If you’ve been nominated, please write your own #TwitteratiChallenge blogpost within 7 days. If you do not have your own blog, try @staffrm.
5. The educator that is now (newly) nominated, has 7 days to compose their own #TwitteratiChallenge blogpost and identify who their top 5 go-to educators are.

So here are my nominations in no particular order:
Michael Tidd (@MichaelT1979) for knowing everything there is to know about primary curriculum and assessment and changing my mind about pretty much everything.
Jack Marwood (@icingonthecake) the caped crusader of school data, never tires of fighting injustice and nonsense.
Hayley Earl (@hayleyearl) forward thinking Assessment Lead in Gloucester primary with whom I had a fantastic chat today. Also writes a heartfelt blog about her experiences as a teacher.
Peter Atherton (@DataEducator) for late night data chat on twitter, helping me get things clear in my head.
Karen Horne (@mrskhorne) hardworking and hilarious headteacher of a Birmingham primary. Common sense and comedy in equal amounts. Wonderful.
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